If you do decide to create an internship of your own, you will want to make sure the internship involves one or more of the skills listed on the Apply page: Writing, editing, research, and/or teaching.
This page will be updated on a regular basis, so be sure to check back!
Editorial—on campus
VCU University College Writing Center
Position Title: Writing consultant
Contact Person: Patricia Strong (804) 827-8109 prstrong@vcu.edu
Brief Description of Duties: Intern must complete ENGL 491: Writing Process and Practice, have excellent writing and oral communication skills, pay close attention to detail, and work independently. Intern will work two or three 5-7 hour shifts working with students one-on-one, as well as attending staff development training sessions.
How Much Time?: 10 hours per week
Blackbird Editorial Internship
Position Title: Editorial Intern
Contact Person: Michael Keller mkeller@vcu.edu
Brief Description of Duties: All interns are registered for ENGL 493: Internship in Research, Writing, and/or Editing. Duties include, but are not limited to, attending weekly editorial meetings, reading and commenting on submissions, researching, and proofreading. Weekly self-reports and writing tasks are also a part of intern duties.
How Much Time?: About 10 hours per week for a total of 150 hours per semester
Editorial and Writing—off campus
Name of Organization:
Podium Foundation
Communications Intern
Location of
Internship: 320 Hull Street, Studio 153 and Richmond Public Schools
Description of
Organization: Podium Foundation is a non-profit whose focus is “empowering
creative expression and promoting writing excellence” in Richmond Public
Schools. Since 2008, Podium has been supporting the teaching and practice of
writing and artful expression in RPS. Through student published journals,
writing workshops, quasi-professional hands-on experience, close mentorship,
performance opportunities, and more, Podium gives a platform to youth whose
voices would otherwise go unheard. Please visit our website at
Manage donor database and communications.
Assist with grant applications.
Assist with finance management.
Social media development.
Program development.
PR and Marketing Strategies.
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
“Self-starter” with a keen eye for detail.
Willing to work on a team.
Knowledge of Word and Excel.
Creative and flexible.
Working knowledge of social media outlets.
Internship Timeframe:
Summer Semester 2014 (May – August); Fall Semester 2014
Unpaid; For Credit: 10 hours per week
for a 3 credit internship. 1 and 2 credit internships available, as well as volunteer
How far from campus: Approximately
2 miles.
Who to Contact:
320 Hull
Street, Studio 153, Richmond, VA 23224
How to Contact: Contact
Lindy Bumgarner for an application and more information.
Wrightspeak Writing Internships
Position Title: Intern Writer
Contact Person: Jazzy Wright (202) 870-7730 info@wrightspeak.com
Brief Description of Duties: Interns generate article concepts on a weekly basis, conduct article research, facilitate professional one-on-one interviews, work on deadlines and handling several tasks simultaneously. Interns must have strong communication and organization skills.
How Much Time?: 4 hours a week, minimum.
Richmond Magazine
Position Title: Editorial intern
Contact Person: Chad Anderson (804) 355-8939 chada@richmag.com
Brief Description of Duties: Interns write stories, double check facts, and keep things running smoothly at the magazine. Small amounts of web-related skills required. Interns must be detail-oriented and write/report stories effectively.
How Much Time?: 150 hours acquired over the course of the semester. Hours are flexible between 8:30am and 5pm.
RVA News
Position Title: Editorial intern
Contact Person: Scott Pharr (804) 332-5764 scott@rvanews.com
Brief Description of Duties: Interns assist with copy editing and development of content to be posted on RVANews.com. Interns are expected to product 1-2 feature-length articles each week to be published on RVANews.com.
How Much Time?: 10-15 hours per week
Brandylane Publishers, Inc.
Position Title: Editorial/Marketing and Promotion Interns (juniors and seniors only)
Contact Person: Robert H. Pruett, Publisher (804) 644-3090 rhpruett@brandylanepublishers.com
Brief Description of Duties: Interns must have excellent writing/communication skills as well as a working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and the Internet. Interns generate ideas for book promotion, proofread and evaluate manuscripts, develop website content, assist with administrative duties, as well as complete other miscellaneous tasks.
How Much Time?: 15-20 hours per week for 6-12 months
James River Writers
Position Title: Editorial Intern
Contact Person: Anne Westrick (804) 230-4575 anne@jamesriverwriters.com
Brief Description of Duties: Interns create and post flyers for events, attend and write summaries of events to be posted in newsletter, conduct interviews, and edit materials before publication. Interns must, therefore, write coherently and be very dependable and organized.
How Much Time?: 10-12 hours per week
Your Hometown News
Position Title: Editorial/Journalist Intern
Contact Person: Anthony Wilson (804) 569-7700
Brief Description of Duties: Interns conduct interviews and write for a local Mechanicsville newspaper.
How Much Time?: Approx. 30 hours per week
Global Technology Solutions
Position Title: Assistant Technical Writer/Researcher
Contact Person: Krystalyn Smith and Leigh Noland (804) 441-8905 krystalyn.smith@gtsnetwork.com or leigh.noland@gtsnetwork.com
Brief Description of Duties: Interns edit and produce formal technical business proposals. Other miscellaneous duties depend on the needs of the company.
How Much Time?: 14 hours per week
Position Title: Editorial/Journalist Intern
Contact Person: Kevin Clay (804) 338-1182 editor@gayrva.com
Brief Description of Duties: Interns will investigate and report stories covering arts & culture, community news, and nightlife, and write 3-5 posts for GayRVA.com each week. Students will also need to attend GayRVA sponsored events and complete other administrative tasks as needed.
Qualifications: Student must be a Junior/Senior and be proficient in Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop. Interested students should send a Letter of Interest and resume.
How Much Time?: 8 hours per week (2 credits)
Teaching—off campus
Name of Organization: Podium Foundation
Title: Program Intern
Location of Internship: 320 Hull Street, Studio 153 and Richmond
Public Schools
Description of Organization: Podium Foundation is a non-profit
whose focus is “empowering creative expression and promoting writing
excellence” in Richmond Public Schools. Since 2008, Podium has been supporting
the teaching and practice of writing and artful expression in RPS. Through
student published journals, writing workshops, quasi-professional hands-on
experience, close mentorship, performance opportunities, and more, Podium gives
a platform to youth whose voices would otherwise go unheard. Please visit our
website at www.thepodiumfoundation.org.
Intern Responsibilities:
Create exercises and run writing workshops.
Collect/organize attendance records, permission
slips, student info, etc.
Review and organize daily reports.
Organize submissions and facilitate editorial
Mentor talented teens.
Assist with general operations as needed.
Intern Qualifications:
Must be available a minimum of two days, Monday
– Thursday, from 2 – 5 pm. Other hours flexible.
Leadership and organizational skills.
Background/interest in Education, English,
and/or the Arts.
Reliable and committed.
Outgoing and determined to make a connection
with teens.
Passionate about being a major part of this
charitable cause.
Willing to work on a team.
Creative and flexible, with critical thinking
Internship Timeframe: Fall Semester 2014
Unpaid; For Credit: 10 hours per week
for a 3 credit internship. 1 and 2 credit internships available, as well as
volunteer positions.
Who to Contact:
320 Hull
Street, Studio 153, Richmond, VA 23224
How to Contact: Contact Lindy Bumgarner
for an application and more information.
Deadline: Ongoing.
Holton Elementary School
(1) Position Title: Classroom Reader / Assistant for Kindergarten & First Grade
Contact Person: David Coogan, dcoogan@vcu.edu (804) 827-8417
Brief Description of Duties: Morning Commitment. Students would be expected to arrive by 9AM and stay for 30 minutes to an hour. The teacher will have various duties with which you can help, which may include presenting some lessons, assisting young writers with their journals, reading story books, making up stories. You're bringing your love of books and writing and all things language to little kids.
(2)Helping Develop a School Newspaper
Contact Person: David Coogan, dcoogan@vcu.edu (804) 827-8417
Brief Description of Duties: Afternoon Commitment. Students taking on this project will help 3rd, 4th & 5th graders with their newspaper. The kids write jokes, interview teachers, cover sports and school events, and learn about journalism. The potential is that they could be learning a great deal from interacting with you, from conceiving of stories, researching them, writing and editing. You might even see if the kids want to break into fiction or poetry.
(3)Propose a project or classroom activity of your own!
Contact Person: David Coogan, dcoogan@vcu.edu (804) 827-8417
The principal of Holton Elementary is an award-winning leader in the Richmond Public School system with a passion for enriching the lives of his students in the classroom and beyond in after school activities. If you've got an idea you'd like to propose -- a project involving literature, literacy and all things related to being an English major-- let Professor Coogan know. He will set up a meeting with the principal to figure out the best way of turning your idea into a great project.
Dumbarton Elementary School
Position Title: Special Education Teacher’s Assistant
Contact Person: Eileen Traveline (804) 756-3040
Brief Description of Duties: Assistants help autistic, elementary-aged children reach their IEP goals.
How Much Time?: 15-18 hours per week
Seven Pines Elementary
Position Title: Instructional Assistant
Contact Person: Paul Llewellyn pellewel@henrico.k12.va.us
Brief Description of Duties: Duties include checking homework, giving students feedback, answering student questions, teaching cursive handwriting, teaching students in small groups, reading to students, reviewing with students before tests, attending PTA meetings, and performing various miscellaneous tasks.
Offender Aid and Restoration
Position Title: GED Tutoring, Resume Preparation, Introduction to Computers
Contact Person: Sara B. Eddleton, OAR Community Engagement Coordinator (804) 643-2746 volunteerservices@oarric.org
Brief Description of Duties: All interns are registered for ENGL 493: Internship in Research, Writing, and/or Editing. Offender Aid and Restoration is a nonprofit that helps ex-offenders in their reentry in their offices in downtown Richmond and at nearby jails. Appropriate volunteer activities for students considering a career in teaching and nonprofit work would include GED tutoring, resume writing and computer classes. Students are also free to propose their own teaching and writing activities beyond the ones listed above that meet their needs and the needs of the organization.
Bon Air Juvenile Correctional Center
Position Title: Creative Writing Workshop Leader
Organization Web Site: http://www.djj.virginia.gov/Facilities.aspx?FacilityID=139
Contact Person: Joyce Holmon (Asst. Supt. for Programs) 804.323.276 joyce.holmon@djj.virginia.gov
OR Janice Gardener Asst. Supt. for Support 804.323.275 janice.gardener@djj.virginia.gov
Brief Description of Duties: Bon Air is a prison for teens nestled into the countryside of Chesterfield. High school is mandatory. But after school activities are not and are always in high demand. In the past, students from the English department have offered creative writing workshops with the boys and the girls in the early evenings, a semester that culminates in a “public” reading. You might propose similar activities—making zines, performing short plays—that bring a bit of what the English major to the incarcerated. See Dr. Coogan for more information about previous workshops run at Bon Air and the logistics of “getting in” to teach them.
Boaz and Ruth
Position Title: Creative Writing Workshop Leader
Organization Web Site: http://www.boazandruth.com/index.cfm
Contact Person: Megan Rollins 329-4900 ext 203 or megan@boazandruth.com
Brief Description of Duties: Boaz and Ruth is a faith-based nonprofit winning all kinds of awards for offering innovative programs serving ex-offenders in Richmond. Combining life skills workshops with job training—and on occasion, through VCU, writing workshops in autobiography—they help ex-offenders help themselves. Check out their web site to see if there’s something they have a need for that might suit your needs. Or contact Beverly Vandevender vandevenderb@mymail.vcu.edu, a former VCU undergraduate who taught one of those workshops.
Richmond City Jail
Position Title: GED tutor
Organization Web Site: http://www.richmondgov.com/Sheriff/Newsroom.aspx
Contact Person: John Dooley (Director of the Education Department) 804-646-4003 John.Dooley@richmondgov.com
Brief Description of Duties: The Richmond City Jail produces more GEDs than any other organization in the city! Men and women of all ages and backgrounds and ability levels take this test and need help not only with the academics. They need the encouragement from their tutors so that they can believe in themselves and their futures.
Miscellaneous—on campus
VCU School of Business Center for Corporate Education
Position Title: Intern
Contact Person: Karen Brown-Davis (804) 828-3175 kbdavis@vcu.edu
Brief Description of Duties: Interns edit word and powerpoint documents, design and develop workbooks and agendas, and meet with program participants.
How Much Time?: About 20 hours per week
Miscellaneous—off campus
Gallery 5
Position Title: Campaign/Program Organizer/Coordinator
Contact Person: Amanda Robinson (804) 644-0005 gallery4@gallery5arts.org
Brief Description of Duties: Intern duties include coordinate events, install and design exhibitions, and promote and market events. Interns should have a good knowledge of computer programs and have high organizational, writing, marketing, and networking skills.
How Much Time?: About 10 hours per week
Anthem Health Insurance
Position Title: Communications Advisor
Contact Person: Jennifer Crowder (804) 354-3371
Brief Description of Duties: Interns create and assist with communications as well as other general office duties and projects.
How Much Time?: 20 hours per week
Virginia Holocaust Museum
Position Title: Intern (archives, library, PR/writing)
Contact Person: Dr.Simon P. Sibelman ssibelman@va-holocaust.com
Brief Description of Duties: The VA Holocaust Museum has internships available in its library, archives, and with PR/Writing duties. The (very brief) application can be found at the following link:
How Much Time?: Full-time and part-time available
Virginia Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
Position Title: Communications Intern
Contact Person: Candice Streett VALISCjobs@lisc.org
Organization Website: http://www.lisc.org
Brief Description of Duties: Assist with preparing written and audio-visual materials (e.g. materials for website, newsletters, press releases, etc.); Research and learn to use web based communication technology and tools, Interview and gather information from partner organizations to communicate various projects, programs, initiatives and achievements.
How Much Time?: 10 hours per week (LISC is currently looking for interns for Summer 2012 and FALL 2012)
Further Ideas
For further ideas, check out the following web pages:
While these internships are listed on the Mass Communications page, English majors are welcome to apply!